Friday, 14 March 2025

Can I ride my bike during the lockdown?

Since yesterday Cyprus has returned to a Covid-19 lockdown and the dreaded use of the SMS to ask for permission for movement. The measures will last until the end of January. Despite the unfair way that our state treats all sports besides football, the measures are a lot less restrictive than last Spring - at least for cyclists!

Article main pic Markus Winkler

The article was updated on 16/1/2021

This time around the “Measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic” allow for two SMS per day and “Physical exercise” is one of the 8 reasons allowed. According to the new decree issued by the Ministry of Health (see here) physical exercise or individual sports are allowed between 5:00 am and 9:00 pm by sending an SMS to 8998.

The structure of the SMS should be:
X(number corresponding to the reason of movement) space Identity Card or Passport Number space Home Postcode.
For example, a cyclist with the ID card #654321 who lives at the postcode 2020 in Aglantzia and wants to go out for a ride will send the SMS “6 654321 2020”

Following that, he will receive an automated reply with the following possible answers:

  • Approval
  • Rejection due to the structure of the message
  • Rejection for exceeding the maximum number of movements allowed
  • Rejection for non-compliance with the curfew hours (5:00am - 9:00pm)

If the SMS is approved, he can go out for a ride of a maximum of 3 hours.

While the government has made some effort to clarify the most common questions that people have (see here), they could not cover every possible scenario. Ride Cyprus tried to contact the Ministry of Health, repeatedly throughout the day, but all calls remained unanswered…

We did manage to contact the press office of the Cyprus Police, who was very forthcoming to clarify things. We asked them some of the most common questions cyclists in Cyprus are asking each other on Social Media:

1- How many people can ride together?

This is answered in the FAQ that the government has prepared. Answer to question 15: “[…]and provided that participants do not exceed two (2) persons[…]”

So you can find a riding partner for the quarantine period. Chose wisely!

Get out there and ride your bike responsibly everyone. Stay safe and healthy.
20 days to go…

[EDIT 16/1/2021]

After the general dislike and reactions, the Ministry of Health has issued an update of the decree and added clarifications in the FAQs which confirm the above article of Ride Cyprus. It also clarified that it is allowed to extend your outing to a further 3 hours by using your second SMS.


Random bike stuff in Cyprus... until they
are not random anymore!