Wednesday, 12 March 2025

UCI Newsletter #86 - January 2021

Did you know that UCI publishes every month a newsletter with all the news from the sports' governing body? The newsletter includes the latest developments in the sport of cycling and the activities of UCI.

It also presents

  • all the approved upcoming changes in the rules and regulations of the sport,
  • all the news from the major races of the past and of the upcoming month,
  • news from all cycling disciplines and from Cycling for All events,
  • actions of the World Cycling Center and it's satellites

and lots more.

Read below the newsletter of January 2021 that was published a few days ago.

If you want to receive the newsletter every month This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and if you want to read past newsletters, check them out on UCI's website.

[View newsletter in new window]

Random bike stuff in Cyprus... until they
are not random anymore!